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It all started with love!

It all started with love!

Love. Perhaps the most popular word in the world.

What do you feel when you hear the word love?

The Bible tells us that God is love. The Bible also tells us that God has always been. He has no beginning and no end. God created the world and people out of love. He also created you out of love. He loved you before you were born.

His works are wonderful.
Psalm 139:14

The further people move away from God, the greater the longing for love. The absence of God creates an emptiness in man and he tries to fill it with a substitute love. People start to run, run through life, look for things that they think will satisfy their longing for love. Be it through material things, through other people, through recognition and success or other. Unfortunately, the search for love often ends in addictions to drugs, sex, money, etc., which cannot satisfy the hunger for love and acceptance.

Once we have discovered, tasted and experienced the love of God, we become aware that nobody and nothing can give this endless and unconditional love, but God himself.

How can you discover and experience the love of God, you might ask?

Take your time. Get to know God. In the quiet we can discover God, perceive him. The more time you take for your Creator, who created you out of love, to get to know him in his word, the Bible, the more you will recognize that he is a loving God who consumes himself after you.

Talk to him. Ask him to show you his love. His love surrounds you in nature, in people, in the things that are given to you.

Unfortunately, the world often gives us lovelessness, but that doesn't mean that God doesn't love.

Imagine how lovingly God hugs you, wants to comfort his searching child, wants to give him lots of presents.

Let his love be. Let his love flow through you. It will change you, change your life, change your love for yourself, heal wounds, repair deficits, forgive you and give you a fresh start.

You will never be loved as unconditionally as by God. Let his love be. Open your heart wide, he wants to fill it. God is waiting for you to love you.

I wish you a love-fulfilling day!

Warm regards,



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