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Solitude the place of strength

Solitude the place of strength

There is a need for loneliness in our life. There is a need for rest. But in these days when busyness is revered, it is hard to see the need for discipline. We are constantly distracted and our attention is directed everywhere but God. We either don't know how or we have forgotten how powerful it is to meet one on one with God. There we get all our strength.

Society regards withdrawal as a weakness. But the acute retreat into solitude to meet God is the place of strength. There we are strengthened. The desert was a place of strength for Jesus. It strengthened the Lord to resist Satan. In loneliness and privation, Jesus was strengthened.

As the day goes on, our thoughts dissipate, our emotions deceive us, our focus blurs, and all of these make us weak. But we don't even notice. Until we face God in our quiet hour and experience the power he offers us. We can live in a state of utter exhaustion and get used to it until we think it is normal. Only when we have experienced calm again can we look back and see how bad our decisions were.

It is interesting that Jesus was tempted in solitude when he was strong, there he was able to withstand temptations. What about us We are tempted all day and are we supposed to be strong? How? If we were tempted in our quiet place, we would most likely resist the temptation.

But on the day when the temptations of the enemy keep inviting us to sin, we must have strength to draw from. If we do not fill our reservoir with the living water on a daily basis, we will most likely become so dehydrated that we will take anything that could quench our thirst.

We don't want that. We want to live strong. We want to live pure and holy. So let us not forget to meet our God, who is the living water, who forgives us when we come to him, because he does not turn anyone away.

If we have sinned, we should not try to hide or avoid God, but run to him, for he will put his arms around us, kiss us and strengthen us while he calls out "My child".

No place is as safe as in God's presence. There we can be weak and real, but our mighty God will not leave us weak. He will get us back on our feet and equip us to go out into the world to fight the good fight. God is waiting for you.

Be blessed,



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