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God sets free

Have you ever been in a struggle and a helping hand was there for you? Do you remember the gratitude and relief you might have felt? Some struggles that we experience are short-lived, but there are other struggles that we have struggled with for years that leave us with little or no hope of change. Some struggles in our lives have turned into fortresses. These are areas where the enemy could keep getting to us.

When we come across the verse, "I came to set you free," we may think, "Why doesn't this apply to me? Am I missing something?"

But there is hope, even if we are not experiencing it at the moment. The truth is that there is always hope with Jesus. Because for every sin, every fortress that we have, Jesus died. Titus 2:14 says: "He gave himself for us to redeem us from all wickedness and to purify for himself a people who are his own and want to do good."

Now why not personalize it and say it out loud by putting in our name and one of our special struggles. "He gave himself for (your name) to redeem (your name) from (your struggle) and to purify for himself (your name) who is his own and strives to do good.

Over the years we hear again and again that Jesus died for us, and we get so used to the phrase that we no longer think about its depth and the sacrifice of Jesus. Jesus gave Himself to set you free.

Let's personalize a little further by looking at the accounts of Jesus' final hours and imagining him going through all of this just for you. He asked his disciples to stay awake in prayer so that he would have the strength to fulfill his mission of dying for you.

Often we grasp it better when we personalize it. Even imagining what he went through that day. Personalize it. He sees you worthy.

He defies Satan, endures lies and accusations, and is separated from his father in the last hour so you can be set free. He had your face before him in the garden of Gethsemane and on the cross. This is love

We have to seize the strength that Jesus offers us to endure our struggles here on earth. He holds out his hand all day, but often we turn away believing that we can fight the fight alone. The least we can do is take his hand and acknowledge that his pain has not been in vain.

When we find ourselves in the valley of death, this is a great opportunity to walk minute by minute in God's presence, for that alone will guide us through this valley. He was in the pit and he got over it. All we have to do is stay connected to God. Not only has He redeemed us, but He continues to strive to renew us all the time.

It takes daily dedication and submission to walk with God. We should discipline ourselves so that we don't fall into laziness and half-hearted devotion. This makes us particularly vulnerable in our weak points. Let us focus on Jesus and ask for the price he paid. It wasn't in vain. It was out of love for you. Abundant love to set you free. Try to go into silence to practice taking Jesus' hand so that he will lead you out of the valley and onto high ground.

Be blessed,



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