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God delights in you

He delights in you

The Bible tells us that God is love. Many Bible verses speak specifically about God's love. The Good News is a message of love. From Genisis1 through Revelation 22 we read a love story about God's love for His children. He does not shy away from anything in order to save His children so they can live with Him in eternity. God's longing for His children is so strong that He humbles Himself to become one of mankind. He served mankind by washing their feet, giving direction for life, chastising when one strays, not giving up when one is faithless. He continued to love those who rejected Him, and He eventually gave up His life for us all. Can we fathom that kind of love?

Isn't that what our souls crave? Isn't that what we desire, unconditional love? And yet, often we don't get it. We feel glimpses here and there, but we forget and do many things as someone who does not feel loved. What it comes down to is that most of our sins and problems are based on not feeling fully, completely, passionately loved. We snap at people, because of the lack of love for ourselves, we do selfish things, because of lack of love for ourselves, we want to be great to cover up the emptiness inside of us, because of the lack of love we feel from God. But God's love for us is just a sigh away.

Often we don't take the time to reflect over our actions, words and ourselves, because it is painful. We avoid the pain by distracting ourselves. But all this just pulls us deeper into problems. Avoidance is never the answer. It will catch up with us eventually. It takes a lof of boldness to face ourselves and our shortcomings. When we take the time to sit with God and let His Spirit work on us we encounter a God that never rejects us. All we have to do is say "yes" to Him and sit with Him and give Him room.

If in our time with Him He shows us who we are what we do wrong He also provides the strength to face it and the comfort we need. If we just get down on ourselves, judging ourselves without the comfort of God's forgiveness and love, we will end up more miserable.

When we realize we are entagled in sinfulness, in living in the flesh and in strongholds, we are often in despair. But the despair can be the Holy Spirit prompting us to face the situation and to bring us to higher pastures. He wants us to be freed from whatever holds us down.

In Psalm 18:19 we read, "He brought me out into a spacious place; he rescued me because he delighted in me." Bringing us into a spacious place represents a place of freedom of seeing clearly. He resuces us means He is the one who does the rescuing, not we ourselves. He is the one who rescues us out of our entaglement with our sinfulness, our confusion, our weakness to fight sin. All we have to do is to trust Him and hand ourselves over to Him. And the rest of the verse says because "He delights in me." What wonderful words! He delights in me! We crave acceptance, we crave love and if someone says "I delight in you", we feel joy. Unfortunately the world often communicates the opposite. How many have heard that they are a burden, a nothing, dump, ugly, unlovable. But not our God, He says He delights in us.

We can take the time everyday to sit with Him and let Him tell us the truth we need to hear. Yes, there are things we might do that do not please Him, and yet He still delights in us for He sees the true value in us. He does not love us for what we should and could be someday, but He loves us already even with our shortcomings. He loved us while we were sinners (Romans 6:23). We need His love. The Bible would not talk so much about love if it would just be a nice side effect. It is the foundation to everything. If that is the foremost important ingredient for our life we should pay more attention to it.

God is love and we are created that the most we need is love.

A baby cannot survive without love. People end up in a lot of pain without love. Love is more important than our daily bread. If we are hungry we go into the kitchen and help ourselves. We need the daily bread for our soul, God's love. God speaks and shows us His love in many ways, but the most intense deliverance of His love for us is when He has our full attention in our quiet time.

Therefore I want to encourage you to go to your place and sit in silence everyday and give God room to give you your daily bread of love. He yearns so much to give you what you so desperately need. His love will change you around, His love will change your life. There is nothing more satisfying to our soul than God's love.

If life and people communicate their disapproval toward you then just say to yourself, "But God delights in me". Yes, He does, because He loves you.

Be blessed,



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