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Experience the love of Christ

"Lord, do you love me?" Have you ever ask that question? I wonder what response you've got. You might know in your mind that God loves you. What about your heart? Do you really believe Jesus loves you? Is your heart captured by His love for you? Does God's joy flow through you, because you feel endlessly loved by Him? Do you feel strong in attacks, because you feel Jesus holds you close to His chest?

Often we take something in with our mind, but we don't let it sink into our heart. Somehow there seems to be a wall that doesn't let certain things in. It feels more comfortable to have head knowledge, but once it moves a little deeper into the depth of our soul we start getting scared. We close up.

Without God's love we can't experience wholeness and goodness. We might have been Christians our whole life, but never really let God love us.

Have you really soaked in His love so that you are so secure in Him that the world around you could not threaten you? How much do you really believe He loves you? Your fears reveal how much you truly believe His love for you. It all depends how big your God is? What size is your God?

Take your quiet time with God and ask God, "Lord, do you love me?" Try to be still. Don't get distracted. Just sit there and listen. Listen to what is happening inside of you. Remain and listen. God wants you to face yourself. The Spirit will reveal the truth what stands between you and God. You might experience silence, uneasyness, fears, tears, hurt, numbness. You might hear:

"You have not shown yourself worthy. Before I love you, you must show yourself worthy." or

"What you did yesterday was ugly. I could never love you. Get your act together." or

" Why should I love you. You keep blowing it. You are not good enough."

These voices are not from God. If we internalize those statements we project them onto God. But God does not tear down. He lifts up. God wants you to face what you truly believe and know He is different. The Bible is full of His living, loving kindness and forgiveness. That is our God.

It can be hard sometimes to believe the deep passionate love overcomes the deepest scar. It is hard sometimes to accept God's love, when we feel we have not contributed to earn it. It is hard to believe we are endlessly loved when we reject ourselves and keep criticizing ourselves.

But He loves us even though we have a hard time believing it. Truth tears down lies. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding." Proverbs 3:4-5. We need to keep focusing on this verse and start believing it.

How often are we wrong and yet believe we are right. We listen to our feelings and experiences instead God's word. His spirit will reveal the truth. All you have to do is take the time to listen. Make it a goal to come before God and ask Him, "Lord, do you love me?"

Observe how He will respond and what He will show you about yourself. He stands true and everything else will fall away.

Once you grasp with the bottom of your heart, with the core of your soul that He loves you, you will change. God wants to get to your heart, to the core of you. Take Him in. Over and over again. Listen to God, get to know Him.

In Ephesians 3:19 it says, "Experience the love of Christ."

We have the tendancy to forget and fall back into our own beliefs. God's love is our lifeline, our strength, our rock to stand on.

If we are shaky about God's love we are not grounded and rooted in Him. Don't settle with moments of joy here and there. Ground everything you are in His love. We can never hear it enough. God loves you.

Be blessed,



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